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Armenia Email List Marketing Tools to Enhance Your Campaigns









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发表于 2023-9-6 13:01:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Let's move on, in fact, to listing the main types of KPI,broken down into 4 main "traditional" segments (finance, customers,processes, personnel). It is clear that in the case of the agency business, therole of indicators related to personnel is probably of the least importance -due to the low average number of employees in the state (and often the absenceof an HR department as such). It should also be noted that this division islargely conditional and some indicators can be attributed to several segmentsat once.

We will give some indicators of a “general nature”, the Armenia Email List purpose and essence of which are obvious, without explanation; we will analyzesome (more specific) in more detail. You could write a separate article on manyof the indicators described, but we tried to give brief semantic excerpts -more detailed information on most of them can be Googled quite easily. Finance1. Revenue. Complex indicator. Revenue segmentation by various services/areas.Revenue segmentation by new clients, current clients (repeat projects),renewals (subscriptions) and additional orders.

Profit (including special cases like EVA and EBITDA ).Segmentation by services/products/directions. Segmentation by new and currentclients. 3. The volume of services covered by the acts. Funds for agencyservices closed by acts for the reporting period. An important indicatorreflecting the real volume of shipments of services in production/service forthe reporting period. Often used in motivational schemes for project managers,account/sales managers. 4. Accounts receivable. The amount of funds thatcustomers owe to the agency, the work for which has already been shipped(closed by acts).


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